We live in a weird world... One, where we 
were capable of living in. One, where 
plants and animals alike could survive 
and thrive. One, where there was a reason 
to wake up and go outside, see the world 
for what it was... But nowadays, we can't 
afford that luxury... We as humans got 
greedy, damaged nature too much, and now 
we rip what we sow.

In this world, nothing grows anymore. 
Parasites now feast upon the ruins of 
what was once a thriving society, and 
nature, that was once so present in our 
lives, is now reduced to nothing.

...but what is that in the distance? It 
looks like... a small, fragile, yet brave 
little flower. It managed to grow in the 
harsh condition we find ourselves in, but 
it can't last long without help. Your 
goal is simple. Keep it alive.

The rules and controls are overall simple: Keep the plant health above 0, and make sure it gets the right amount of water in order to heal and survive for as long as possible. Fend off bugs that threaten its beauty, and protect it from strong wind by placing crates to stop it.

-While on [I], click on bugs to squash them. Each bug has a set speed and the slower it is the more damage it deals to the flower

-While on [II], press the C  key to place a small barrier made out of crates to stop wind from damaging your flower, however, the crates are bug infested, and having it active will make more bugs appear.

-While on [III], press the R key to (literally) make it rain. As long as the flower has a healthy - among 50 to 100 - water amount, the flower will slowly but surely heal, anything more than 100 will stop the healing, and anything above and including 125 will damage it instead. If strong wind is in play, having the crate barrier up will prevent the flower from getting any water, so plan accordingly.

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